Is Stuart Little about race?

Is Stuart Little about race?

In White's fantasy book, Stuart Little was said to be "born to human parents" in New York City, but he "looked very much like a rat or mouse". In the film, Stuart is adopted from an orphanage and is described as an "anthropomorphic teenage mouse"....Contact Us.
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Does Stuart Little have cuss words?

There is more profanity than you would think for a family movie: "damn" and "hell" plus plenty of mild mean words and phrases such as "shut up" and "loser." There are also some moments of peril, as Stuart is in constant danger from the cats who do not want to accept him as being part of his adoptive family.

What happened to the kid in Stuart Little?

As a child actor Lipnicki continued to act in movies like "Stuart Little" and "The Little Vampire," and has been able to continue his acting career in smaller films and occasionally on TV. As he noted in his Instagram post, he's done more films as a grown-up actor than as a child.