How much is VRay for SketchUp?

How much is VRay for SketchUp?

Buy V-Ray 5 for SketchUp - Subscription - Price $60.

How do I get VRay for SketchUp?

To install a trial or purchased extension, follow these steps:

  1. In SketchUp, select Window > Extension Warehouse and sign in to the Extension Warehouse.
  2. To install a trial, search for the extension you want to try, and on the extension details page, click Install Trial. ...
  3. From the user menu, select My Extensions.

Which is better VRay or Lumion?

After comparing Vray vs Lumion, it was clear that Lumion is the better choice for us when doing full renderings. However, we won't completely ditch Vray. It can still be used for things that have no textures or specialty lighting, so we may use it for quick studies like clay massing or simple models.

Is VRay easy to learn?

VRay isprobably the most commonly used rendering product on the market. ... Formore comprehensive courses, there are plenty of online schools that will makean expert VRay magician out of you in just a few weeks of self-guided work. Learning the best visualization software has never been easier.

Can you use VRAY with SketchUp make?

Yes, you can download the most recent version at your personal account at and your license will automatically appear in your account. With which versions of SketchUp is V-Ray 5 compatible? V-Ray 5 is compatible with SketchUp version 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.


V-Ray runs on the CPU only and V-Ray GPU runs on the GPU and/or the CPU. As many of you might know: V-Ray processes differently than V-Ray GPU — even when both are running on CPUs. As such, there is no way to get a true apples-to-apples comparison of these two types of hardware.

Should I use CPU or GPU for rendering?

Though it might take hours (maybe even days) to finish rendering an image, traditional CPU-based rendering is more likely to deliver higher image quality and much clearer images that are devoid of noise. A GPU has many more cores than a CPU, but overall, each core runs slower compared to a CPU core.

How much RAM do I need for VRay?

While the exact amount of RAM you need is going to depend on your particular projects, for V-Ray Next GPU (and GPU rendering in general) we recommend double the amount of VRAM on the cards. So if you have four 8GB cards, totaling 32GB, we would advise 64GB of system memory.

Which GPU is best for rendering?

The best NVIDIA GPUs for Rendering are:

  • RTX 3060 Ti (4864 CUDA Cores, 8GB VRAM)
  • RTX 3070 (5888 CUDA Cores, 8GB VRAM)
  • RTX 3080 (8704 CUDA Cores, 10GB VRAM)
  • RTX 3090 (10496 CUDA Cores, 24GB VRAM)

How much RAM do I need for 3D rendering?


Is 8GB RAM enough for rendering?

For version 2019 (when you can use 3D and render) it is recommended that you have at least 3GHz speed and 8GB of RAM. If you have a dedicated graphics card, the better.

Which CPU is best for rendering?

Best CPU for 3D Rendering
CPU NameCoresGHz
AMD Ryzen 5 260063.

How many cores do I need for rendering?

Laptops typically peak at 4 CPU cores and 32GB RAM so are best suited to entry-level rendering. Those serious about rendering will need a desktop workstation. These come with one or two CPUs, each with multiple CPU cores. Single CPU workstations feature anywhere from 2 to 18 cores and up to 256GB RAM.

Is Intel or AMD better for rendering?

The CPU is used for everything you do on a computer, so a faster CPU will always be at least a little bit better. CPU rendering can take advantage of many CPU cores. For many years, Intel CPUs typically offered the best single-threaded performance, while AMD CPUs typically offered the best multi-threaded performance.

Why does rendering take so long?

Render times are CPU and project dependent. CPU: The faster your computer's CPU the faster your rendering will complete. In general, for shorter rendering times, a faster CPU is better. PROJECT: Larger, more complex projects will also have longer render times compared to shorter, simpler projects.

Will more RAM increase rendering speed?

RAM doesn't really affect rendering speeds all that much. The CPU and GPU are the ones mostly responsible for this task. ... The reason is that your computer will be able to allocate more resources into the RAM memory, freeing up and allowing your CPU and GPU to have more resources to work more efficiently.

How can I speed up my rendering?

Speed up your rendering times in After Effects with these quick tips.

  1. Use the Right Graphics Card. ...
  2. Upgrade Your RAM. ...
  3. Use a Solid-State Drive. ...
  4. Use Two Hard Drives. ...
  5. Turn On Multiprocessing. ...
  6. Reduce Pre-Comps. ...
  7. Clean up your Compositions. ...
  8. Trim Layers Off-Screen.

How can I make VRAY render faster?

Speed Up Your V-Ray Rendering

  1. Limit your polycount to minimum as much as possible. ...
  2. If you are using Vray, always proxy the ones with high polycount.
  3. Don't put too many subdivisions on your shadows (as much as possible).
  4. Remove unwanted objects from your scene.
  5. Don't use giant resolution textures.

How increase VRay render quality?

For better image quality, increase the Max. Subdivs parameter for the Bucket or Progressive Image Sampler. If you can't get the desired quality, try decreasing the Noise Threshold parameter a bit. In case you use a Render Time (min) limit, increase the time limit value to improve the quality.

How long does a VRay render take?

Most renders will give their first image within 30 seconds, but it may take 3/4 hours to give a clear image. Large images (greater than 5 megapixels) may need to be left overnight to become clear.

How do you know when VRay is done rendering?

There's a menu command to show it. Go look in the main Rhino menu bar, in the V-Ray menu you'll find the option to show the progress window.

How do I save VRAY frame buffer render?

Note: All saving formats are supported by the VFB (Render Setup > V-Ray tab > Frame Buffer) and 3ds Max output (Render Setup > Common tab > Render Output).

How do I open VRAY frame buffer?

If the V-Ray Frame Buffer is missing:

  1. With the Rendered Frame Window selected (highlighted in Blue) enter the keyboard shortcut combination ALT + Space Bar to open the system menu.
  2. Type the letter “M” to enable to Move functionality.

Why is my VRAY not rendering?

If that doesn't work, you could try turning layers off one at a time (your model looks small so shouldn't be that difficult). That way you the problem component or material should show itself. Check the File Path Editor as well to see if anything looks out of the ordinary.

Why is my VRAY render black Sketchup?

It's most likely a bad material or bad file path a VRAY object or material. Try a few different things: Obviously, quit the model and program and re-open it and try again. Next try turning on 'material override' in the VRAY settings and see if it renders at all.

How do I save VRAY settings?

Start Max or Viz, whichever you have. Select Vray and set settings as you like. Save as MaxStart.

How do I import VRAY settings?

To import a preset

  1. Select File > Import Scene Render Settings from the Render Setup editor menu. ...
  2. Select Presets > Import Render Settings in the Render Settings window. ...
  3. Click in the Scene > Render Settings section of the Render Setup editor.

Why is my render black?

If the rendered image is all black, it could be caused by the following: No lights: The render settings do not include natural or artificial light. ... To correct this situation, in the Rendering dialog, check the lighting settings. Change them to include natural light or artificial light, or both.

Does maximum render quality make a difference?

Maximum Render Quality maximizes the quality of motion in rendered clips and sequences. Selecting this option often renders moving assets more sharply. At maximum quality, rendering takes more time, and uses more RAM than at the default normal quality.

How long does it take to render a room?

The time it takes to produce a rendering can vary, but 2-3 weeks is a good ballpark.