What is the meaning of eu te amo muito?

What is the meaning of eu te amo muito?

i love you so much love.

What does amo mean in Spanish slang?

I love you Te amo means "I love you" in Spanish and Portuguese.

How do you say Eu Te amo?

If one of those people happens to be someone you love, tell them eu te amo (yoh tee ah-moh) to say "I love you" in Portuguese.

What is the reply of te amo?

The best way to respond when someone says “te amo” is “yo también te amo” (I love you too) or simply “yo también” (me too).

What te quiero means?

I want you Literally translated to, “I want you,” te quiero is most appropriate for expressing love to family, close friends, or significant others. Breaking it down even further, “querer” is like saying friends, cousins – hence the less romantic nature of this phrase. When to use it: Good or close friends.

Is te amo Italian?

“Te Amo” is Spanish and it simply means 'I love you' in English. “Te” stands for 'you' and “amo” means 'love'. It is a very formal and affectionate way to say 'I love you'.

How do you say I love you in a British accent?

0:020:19How to Pronounce I love you | British Accent & American Accent - YouTubeYouTube

Is Breá LIOM tú?

This phrase, which literally translates to “my love you,” is a romantic way of saying “I love you.” Guess again! ... "Is breá liom tú."

What is the difference between Ti amo and Te amo?

ti amo is standard italian. te amo must be regional, you probably heard it from someone who is from Rome?

What's the difference between te quiero y te amo?

Te quiero and Te amo can both mean “I love you”. The difference is that Te amo is considered more intimate, while Te quiero is considered more casual. ... Te quiero literally means “I want you” but its most common meaning is “I love you' and is considered an appropriate way to express platonic love.

Can te Quiero mean I love you?

Although quiero often means “I want,” te quiero can translate to “I love you” in certain circumstances. The two phrases are used in different ways across the vast Spanish-speaking world. ... Te amo is a deeper, more intense declaration of love than te quiero, but it's not reserved for romantic relationships.

Is te amo French?

@stellisia te amo is Spanish language, je t'aime is French but they mean the same.

Why is it te amo and not amo tu?

So why is it not “tú amo” instead of “te amo”, if the pronoun for you is tú? That is because tú is a subject pronoun and te is an object pronoun. In the phrase 'te amo', “te” is an object pronoun, therefore “te” must be used.

How do you say I love you more in a cute way?

Cute Ways to Say “I Love You”
  1. I'm crazy about you.
  2. You're my dream come true.
  3. You take my breath away.
  4. Since you've been around I smile a lot more than I used to.
  5. There is no one I'd rather steal blankets from.
  6. You're my partner in crime.
  7. You look great today and every day.
  8. I'm jealous of people who get to see you every day.

Do the British say love?

Love/luv. The term love in Britain is often written as luv, and it gets used simply as a title most of the time.