What happened to Alex on 13 Reasons Why?

What happened to Alex on 13 Reasons Why?

Wracked with guilt over all that Hannah revealed in her tapes in season one, Alex attempted suicide. He survived, but sustained brain injuries that affected his memory and muscle coordination. ... Going into season four, Alex's father, Deputy Standall, is aware of his son's role in Bryce's murder, as well as his drug use.

How did Alex kill himself 13 Reasons Why?

At the end of episode 13, we learn that the 17-year-old is none other than Alex Standall. In the final episode, the school principal informs Mr. Porter that Alex shot himself in the head.

Does Alex have a boyfriend in 13 Reasons Why?

alex is shown to be bisexual, after noting that he dated jessica davis, and is now currently dating Charlie Hayden Brixton St. George.

Is Alex from 13 reasons dead?

The season finale provided a three-part answer to the central question of who killed Bryce when it was revealed that Zach Dempsey (Ross Butler) beat Bryce and left him for dead on a boating dock, but that it was Alex Standall (Miles Heizer) who threw him into the water, where he ultimately drowned, after Bryce ...

Will Alex Standall go to jail?

Winston Williams ended season three vowing to get to the bottom of why Monty de la Cruz was framed for Bryce's death. ... He loves Alex and Monty, but he decides to not turn over the evidence that would send Alex to jail for Bryce's murder.

Did Alex Standall survive?

Despite the second season's cliffhanger, Alex is alive. Because he put a bullet through his head, he now has trouble using one of his arms and needs a cane to support him while walking.

What episode does Alex try to kill herself?

What Are You Willing To Lose ("What Are You Willing To Lose?") Stay up to date on your fandom with carefully curated and timely Fandom newsletters. Alex survives her suicide attempt after Julian finds her unconscious in her bathtub full of blood from her slit wrists and rushing her to the local hospital.

Does Alex confess to killing Bryce?

Once Winston's cover is blown, Alex breaks up with him and begins dating Charlie St. George (Tyler Barnhardt). At the end of the season, Alex tries to get Winston to stop snooping around by confessing that he was ultimately the one who killed Bryce.

What happened to Zach Dempsey's leg?

Season 3. During the homecoming game, Zach's knee is busted by Bryce Walker, meaning that he can never play football again and ruining Zach's dreams. As a result, he brutally beats Bryce before his murder, but doesn't kill him.

Does Alex's dad find out he killed Bryce?

This also answers the question about whether or not Alex's dad knew that it was his son who was responsible for Bryce's death. I don't think he knew all along, but he ultimately did figure it out. And just like Alex's friends, he decided to cover for his son.

Why does Alex Standall have a cane?

Despite the second season's cliffhanger, Alex is alive. Because he put a bullet through his head, he now has trouble using one of his arms and needs a cane to support him while walking. ... Alex was so guilt-ridden that he shot himself for realizing too late that his friend was raped and could have saved her.

Why does Alex use a cane?

The Alex we know in season 2 walks with a cane and exhausts easily — his body is simply not as physically strong as it was in the previous season, which we can assume is from the traumatic brain injury he suffered. However, the issue that really disturbs Alex is the memory loss he suffered following his trauma.

Did Alex kill herself OTH?

("What Are You Willing To Lose?") Alex survives her suicide attempt after Julian finds her unconscious in her bathtub full of blood from her slit wrists and rushing her to the local hospital.

Does Alex go to jail?

Meredith decides that even though she loves Alex, she needs to turn him in. She goes to Bailey and tells her the truth. But, when the two rush to the police they find Alex being arrested for aggravated assault, as he had turned himself in. He is taken to jail and Meredith bails him out.

Why did ANI say Monty killed Bryce?

Ani gives the falsely arrested Clay an alibi, telling Deputy Standall that Clay had been driving around with her all night on the night of Bryce's death. She also tells him that Monty may have been the one to kill Bryce, saying that Monty threatened Bryce the night of a big game.

Does everyone find out Alex killed Bryce?

Once Winston's cover is blown, Alex breaks up with him and begins dating Charlie St. George (Tyler Barnhardt). At the end of the season, Alex tries to get Winston to stop snooping around by confessing that he was ultimately the one who killed Bryce.

Does Zach like Alex InquisitorMaster?

Zach is Alex's ex-boyfriend. Zach and Alex have been together since November of 2017, which the relationship came to an end in 2021. They are at odds with each other in some videos aswell as showing their love for each other with gifts, and of course their affection in many videos.

Are Zach and Alex still together?

They have managed to stay strong through the numerous breakup rumors and have always emerged stronger. In a video uploaded on Ap, Zach ended up proposing to Alex, and fans were ecstatic about a marriage being on the cards.

Why is Alex Standall crippled?

The Alex we know in season 2 walks with a cane and exhausts easily — his body is simply not as physically strong as it was in the previous season, which we can assume is from the traumatic brain injury he suffered. However, the issue that really disturbs Alex is the memory loss he suffered following his trauma.

What is wrong with Alex Standall?

Alex was one of the characters who was the most influenced by Hannah's death. At the end of Season 1, he made an attempt on his own life. Instead of dying by suicide, he miraculously lived after shooting himself in the head, as the show revealed in Season 2.

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