Is Jon Snow Ned's nephew?

Is Jon Snow Ned's nephew?

The popular fan theory—called R+L=J, an abbreviation of "Rhaegar + Lyanna = Jon"—proposes that Jon is not the son of Ned at all, but is actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Ned's younger sister Lyanna Stark, and Ned feigned dishonor and claimed the nephew to be his own child in order to protect Jon from harm.

What episode is Jon Snow resurrected?

Jon Snow met a shocking end at the knives of his Night's Watch brothers during season 5's "Mother's Mercy." All hope seemed lost for a short period, though thankfully, the Lord Commander was resurrected by Melisandre in time for a showdown with Ramsay Bolton. The Lord of Light's magic is shrouded in mystery.

Does Jon Snow survive season 8?

Jon Snow's story on "Game of Thrones" concluded with him back in the true North. The only living descendant of both House Stark and House Targaryen, Jon Snow left the Seven Kingdoms behind and went back beyond the Wall to live out his days with the Free Folk and his direwolf, Ghost.

Is Daenerys Jon's aunt?

Here's everything you need to know about Jon and Daenerys' relationship. One of the great revelations in season seven was that Jon Snow is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. This means that Daenerys is Jon's aunt - since Rhaegar is the older brother of Viserys and Daenerys.

What happens to Jon Snow at the end?

Jon Snow: Jon ended up as a prisoner, held by the Unsullied, because he killed Daenerys. ... In the finale's very last scene, Jon was north of the Wall, riding through the snow with a crowd of wildlings.

Did Jon ever love Daenerys?

After all, Jon and Daenerys remained in love and stayed together even after finding out that they were related, so that was not a big problem for them. Daenerys could have proposed that they rule Westeros together, but she seemed to want to secure her place on the throne without no one else, not even her lover.

Will Jon and Daenerys have a baby?

In theory, Daenerys cannot bear children. This goes back to the earlier days when she had a stillborn child from Khal Drogo. ... After this point, it's thought Daenerys would never have kids again based on this curse and what the witch tells her. With Jon, though, things might change.

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