Did Harry ever love Hermione?

Did Harry ever love Hermione?

While Harry and Hermione have never been romantically involved, that has not stopped many others from assuming that they two of them are together.

What spell does Hermione famous for?

Hermione's bluebell flames This spell becomes one of Hermione's trademarks. We don't hear the incantation for it in Philosopher's Stone, but it could be a variation on Incendio. Hermione first uses it against Snape when she and Ron think he is cursing Harry's broom in his first Quidditch match.

How do you pronounce Hermione from Harry Potter?

People who pronounce Hermione like they do in the films (aka Her-My-O-Nee) are correct.

What is Hermione Granger's favorite food?

Hermione Granger: Panera Bread.