What happens to Drogon in Game of Thrones?

What happens to Drogon in Game of Thrones?

Drogon melted the Iron Throne down, bringing the storied chair's history full circle, although the finale's script confirmed that this wasn't an intentional move by the dragon, but simply a result of his fury.

Did Drogon die in Game of Thrones?

RIP to a good and loyal creature. Warning: Spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4, "The Last of the Starks" ahead.

Why did Drogon fly away from Daenerys?

After an anguished Jon assassinates Daenerys to save the people of Westeros, Drogon senses his mother in peril and flies up to the throne room to find Jon holding a lifeless Daenerys in his arms while weeping.

How does Drogon die?

So, it's as simple as that: Drogon didn't fly away with Daenerys' body, dump it somewhere, and devour the remains of his human "mother." At the end of the Game of Thrones series finale, Samwell Tarly (John Bradley) notes that Drogon was last seen flying east toward "Volan–" before he's cut off.

Where did Drogon take Dany after she died?

Dragonstone There's also the possibility that Drogon brought Dany's corpse to Dragonstone, House Targaryen's stronghold in Westeros, which is an island east of King's Landing. There's also speculation he could have brought her to the Dothraki Sea, which is also in Essos.

Why was Drogon not chained?

1 Answer. Because Drogon was not in Meereen when she decided to chain the other two dragons and his exact whereabouts where unknown. Following Daenerys' conquest of Meereen, Drogon, who is now the size of a small ship, kills and eats the goats of a local goatherd.

Why did Drogon grow so fast?

It might also be that the strength of the spirit used in their creation might contribute to their rate of growth. So Drogon might grow so fast because Drogos spirit was strong.