Is Blair the villain in Gossip Girl?

Is Blair the villain in Gossip Girl?

Blair Waldorf is the main antagonist of the TV series, Gossip Girl.

Is Blair pregnant in Gossip Girl?

Season 5. In the fifth-season premiere, Blair continues to plan her wedding, but begins to encounter problems in her relationship with Louis. It is later revealed that she is pregnant. Blair tells Chuck that the child is Louis', and states that part of her wanted Chuck to be the father.

What is Blair's problem Gossip Girl?

Bulimia Nervosa The average person watching Gossip Girl and watching Blair with her eating disorder would learn the behavioral characteristics of Bulimia Nervosa. Someone watching this television show would understand that it is a disorder that a person cannot necessarily always control.

Who did Blair end up with in Gossip Girl?

Chuck In the season five finale The Return of the Ring, Blair chooses to be with Chuck and they make a pact to ensure they end up together. In the series finale New York, I Love You XOXO, the two get married. In the time jump, they have bought a townhouse in the city together and have a son, Henry Bass.

Is Louis really the father of Blair's baby?

After sleeping with Chuck (The Wrong Goodbye) and Louis (multiple times over the summer), Blair isn't sure who the father of the baby is. After encouragement from Dan and Dorota, she gets a paternity test done and finds out it is Louis' baby (The Jewel of Denial).

What Mental Illness Did Blair Waldorf have?

One of the series' lead characters, Blair Waldorf suffered from an eating disorder called bulimia nervosa. I thought that was bold and progressive of the show -- until I began experiencing the disorder myself at age 16, and realised firsthand how problematic Gossip Girl's depiction of the disorder really was.