Are Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson still together?

Are Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson still together?

Reynolds and Johansson got married in 2008 and divorced in 2010, and at the time of the split, they released a statement that said, "After long and careful consideration on both our parts, we've decided to end our marriage. We entered our relationship with love and it's with love and kindness we leave it.

Does Ryan Reynolds have a twin?

It's hard to tell Canadian superstar Ryan Reynolds and his twin brother Gordon apart (spoiler alert: they're the same person).

How old was Ryan Reynolds when he married Scarlett Johansson?

She was just 23 when the pair wed - which is a little young by anyone's standards.

Why did Scarlett Johansson left Ryan Reynolds?

Nope. Growing apart? Try again. This one falls very much into the 'it's all water under the bridge now' category of celebrity news (they're both very happily settled with others) but Scarlett Johansson maybe just gave the rather cryptic reason for why her marriage to Ryan Reynolds ended: They were too competitive.

Are Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe friends?

In an interview with EW, Jackman mentioned he got the role of Wolverine because of his Les Miserables co-star Russell Crowe. “Russell and I actually became very close friends,” said Jackman. “We were good friends before. ... And Russell has given me advice several times at key moments in my life that helped with my career.