How are aerys and Rhaegar Targaryen related?

How are aerys and Rhaegar Targaryen related?

Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, the last Prince of Dragonstone, was the eldest son and heir to King Aerys II Targaryen, the Mad King. He was the older brother of Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen and the husband of Elia Martell, with whom he had two children, Rhaenys and Aegon.

Why did aerys hate Rhaegar?

Aerys was having an affair with Lady Joanna Lannister, the wife of his Hand and best friend, Tywin Lannister, a man so ruthless he exterminated whole families rather than negotiate. As a result, Aerys became suspicious that Tywin was plotting against him and planned to replace him with Rhaegar.

Why did aerys marry Rhaegar to Elia?

Aerys wanted to keep the bloodline pure. With no siblings to marry Rhaegar to and after Steffon returning without a bride from Essos, Elia of Dorne had the strongest Targaryen blood from her ancestor Daenerys I.

What episode is Rhaegar Targaryen in?

We didn't realize its significance at the time, but we heard Rhaegar and Lyanna's names way back in Season 1, episode 1 "Winter is Coming." Lyanna is omnipresent to Robert Baratheon when he visits Winterfell after so many years, and he laments her death and alleged abduction at the hands of Rhaegar Targaryen to this ...

How much older was rhaegar targaryen than Daenerys?

Viserys was born 17 years after Rhaegar, and Dany followed another eight years later. So Rhaegar would have been 25 years old when Dany was born, if Robert hadn't killed him.

How much older is Dany than Jon?

Now, according to Game of Thrones Wiki fan page, Jon was born in 281 AL (AL = Aegon's Landing) and Dany was born in 282 AL, so there's actually just one year in age between the pair.

How much older was viserys than Daenerys?

Viserys was born 17 years after Rhaegar, and Dany followed another eight years later.

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