Has Sansa killed anyone?

Has Sansa killed anyone?

Sansa Reigned Supreme On 'Game Of Thrones' But that all changed when Sansa got to kill Ramsay on Game of Thrones by using his own hounds against him. ... With her secretly aligning with Littlefinger, the Knights of the Vale were able to save Jon Snow's army, which led to the epic moment of Ramsay's death.

Who does Sansa really love?

Sansa develops a crush on the well-liked and handsome knight Loras Tyrell in Season 3. Olenna and Margaery plot to marry Sansa to Loras and extend their power over the North. Tywin puts a stop to this by marrying Sansa to Tyrion and betrothing Loras to Cersei.

Who slept with Sansa?

Ramsay Bolton Back in season five, “Game of Thrones” became embroiled in controversy when it took an even more significant detour from the books, having Sansa Stark lose her virginity when she is raped by the sadistic Ramsay Bolton on their wedding night.

Who will Sansa marry?

Baelish brokers a marriage between Sansa and Ramsay Bolton, now the heir to the North after the death of Robb Stark. Though Sansa is reluctant to marry Ramsay, as his father Roose had personally murdered Robb, Baelish persuades her by claiming that the marriage will give her the opportunity to avenge her family.

Does Littlefinger betray Sansa?

For most of his life, Littlefinger was in love with Catelyn Stark. ... But as Sansa points out in “The Dragon and the Wolf,” he ends up betraying both Catelyn and Sansa — the two women he purported to love — in truly horrible ways. That's because Littlefinger ultimately does everything for the sake of power.

What did Littlefinger want from Sansa?

Petyr Baelish or Littlefinger wants to marry Sansa and through this marriage he wants to take control of the North just like he did with the Vale. He married Lysa Arryn and then murdered her and became a guardian to her son Robert Arryn.