How did Voldemort attach himself to Quirrell?

How did Voldemort attach himself to Quirrell?

decided he would have to keep a closer watch on me...." He attached himself after Quirrell failed to steal the Stone from Gringott's. Hagrid had removed it from the vault earlier that day. Voldemort was able to attach himself to Quirrell when he failed to wash his hands after using a public lavatory.

Why did Harry's touch burn Quirrell?

Voldemort was almost in control of Quirrell's body by that time. Voldemort controlled Quirrell as to attack Harry. This activated Lily Potter's magic where Voldemort is not even allowed to touch Harry. And that's why Harry was able to burn Quirrell down.

How did Quirrell get past Fluffy?

On 4 June, after Dumbledore had left for London, both Quirrell and the trio went through the obstacles blocking the way to the Stone. To get past Fluffy, Quirrell disguised himself and lured Hagrid into a card game by betting a dragon's egg.

Who killed the Unicorn in Harry Potter?

Quirinus Quirrell A dead unicorn in 1992 At least two unicorns were slain by Quirinus Quirrell so Lord Voldemort could drink their blood and return to power. Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy and Fang found the corpse of one of them in the Forbidden Forest.

What house is Voldemort?

Slytherin House Riddle was educated at Hogwarts from 1938 to 1945, and was sorted into Slytherin House, a nod to his ancestor Salazar Slytherin. During summer breaks, he was forced to return to the Muggle orphanage, which he despised and dreaded more than any other place on earth.

Was Quirrell a Death Eater?

It should be noted that despite his fear of Voldemort and that he was not a Death Eater, Quirrell was one of Voldemort's only followers who referred to him by name, the others being Bartemius Crouch Junior and Peter Pettigrew.