Is Cedric dead?

Is Cedric dead?

Cedric and Harry completed the Third Task together. Both took hold of the Triwizard Cup, which transported them to the Little Hangleton graveyard, where Cedric was murdered by Peter Pettigrew with the Killing Curse, on the orders of Lord Voldemort.

Is Eldritch Diggory related to Cedric Diggory?

Family members Cedric Diggory — a Hufflepuff student and Triwizard Champion, who was killed by Peter Pettigrew in 1995. Eldritch Diggory — Minister for Magic from 1733 to 1747. ... Mrs Diggory — Amos's wife and Cedric's mother.

What does Cedric Diggory like?

Cedric Diggory was an extremely handsome boy with gray eyes in Hufflepuff House. In 1993, when he was a Fifth Year, he took over as Captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. He was a very good student and a Prefect. He is quite tall and the quiet type (PA9).

Does Cedric come back to life?

In the final challenge of the TriWizard tournament, the pair disappear together. Cedric comes back dead. Harry blames “Voldemort,” a wizard that the world believes to have been dead for 15 years.

Who married Cho?

Muggle Cho Chang/Spouse

Did Cho Chang marry?

Marriage. After the end of the Second Wizarding War, Cho later married a Muggle individual.

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