Is Beverly related to Pennywise?

Is Beverly related to Pennywise?

However, Mrs. Kersh is revealed to be a form of Pennywise and Beverly escapes. She reunites with Ben, and shares a romantic encounter with him, but Ben realises that Beverly is another form of Pennywise. The Losers Club return to Neibolt Street to face Pennywise for the final time.

Does Bill end up with Beverly?

Despite kissing Bill and reliving her childhood, Bev ends the sequel fully realizing her feelings for Ben. They share a passionate underwater kiss in the Derry quarry, and a flash-forward reveals they leave the town as a couple — their last scene is them watching the sunset on a yacht, clearly very much in love.

What does Beverly do in it the book?

In the 2017 movie, Beverly was abducted by Pennywise and her friends traveled to the sewers to save her. After an odd sexual encounter with all of the boys in the novel following IT's defeat, Beverly and the rest of the Losers' Club agreed to a blood oath, promising to return in 27 years when Pennywise returned.

Did Richie have a crush on Beverly?

Richie and Beverly Meet He didn't have a crush on her but he thought she was pretty and tough, so he went up to her and they got along instantly. He invited her to the movies and she joked about his invitation being a date. Richie started to feel weird and flustered, which was unlike him.

Who does Beverly kiss?

She has a crush on Bill and imagining he gave her a gift helps her to escape her terrible life. It's confusing, though, when this flakiness travels into adulthood and we find Beverly kissing Bill one scene and then seemingly ending up with Ben at the end.

Who does Beverly have a crush on?

She has a crush on Bill and imagining he gave her a gift helps her to escape her terrible life. It's confusing, though, when this flakiness travels into adulthood and we find Beverly kissing Bill one scene and then seemingly ending up with Ben at the end.