Is Dr Wells Good or bad?

Is Dr Wells Good or bad?

Evil Harrison Wells, played beautifully by Tom Cavanagh, was one of the best super-villains I've ever seen, if only because while he was an awful, evil person, you still grudgingly liked him. Even after his villainy was revealed, Barry and Cisco and Caitlin had a hard time not liking him.

What happened to the real Harrison Wells?

Labs' founder and revealing the particle accelerator in 2013 and causing an explosion responsible for various metahumans' powers. ... In the Earth-Prime timeline, Harrison's life played out the same and he was still murdered, but he was resurrected through particles left behind after his other doppelgängers' sacrifice.

How is Harrison Wells alive?

In the episode, Harrison Nash Wells (played by Tom Cavanagh) sacrificed himself for Barry after Team Flash needed a power source for their artificial Speed Force. The multiversal particles in his body – from the Wellses living in his brain – made this sacrifice the best option.

Is Dr Harrison Wells Barry Allen from the future?

Among the other popular theories on Wells' real identity: He's Barry Allen from the future. He's actually the Reverse-Flash and Eddie Thawne is his younger self. Or Eddie Thawne is actually Malcolm Thawne, Eobard's descendant who is Allen's long-lost twin brother, and Harrison is the real Eobard.

What happened to Harrison Wells in Season 5?

It is revealed that he went back in time to kill Barry's mother and then was stuck in the past. He kills the actual Harrison Wells and take his form and waits for Barry to become the Flash. At the end of the season, he was erased from existence.

Is Harrison Wells a good person?

Earth 12 Wells is not good or bad as he cares little for life itself. Still he aided in decoding the Thinker's real identity and later does commend Barry and Nora stopping Devoe and their other heroic accomplishments. Earth 221 Harrison Sherloque helps with a cost.

Is Harrison Wells a good guy?

Earth 12 Wells is not good or bad as he cares little for life itself. Still he aided in decoding the Thinker's real identity and later does commend Barry and Nora stopping Devoe and their other heroic accomplishments.

Who is Sherloque wells girlfriend?

Tess Morgan Harrison Wells/Significant others

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