Where is Terence Hill today?

Where is Terence Hill today?

Terence lives in Massachusetts and is a film producer, as well as talented and respected actor.

Does Terence Hill speak Italian?

Despite his fluency in Italian and English, Hill was usually dubbed by other actors in both languages.

What languages does Terence Hill speak?

Italian EnglishSpanishGerman Terence Hill/Languages

Is actor Bud Spencer still alive?

Deceased (1929–2016) Bud Spencer/Living or Deceased

Were Bud Spencer and Terence Hill friends?

Actor commemorates long-time friend and co-star "The reason is that we respected and loved one another, and always had a good time together". Hill also recounted how he first met Spencer on the set of the 1967 Spaghetti Western film written and directed by Giuseppe Colizzi 'God Forgives... I Don't!'

What nationality was Terence Hill?

American Italian Terence Hill/Nationality

How much money did Bud Spencer make?

Bud Spencer Net Worth: Bud Spencer is an Italian actor, filmmaker and former professional swimmer who has a net worth of $500 thousand....Bud Spencer Net Worth.
Net Worth:$500 Thousand
Date of Birth:1929-10-31
Height:6 ft 3 in (1.92 m)
Profession:Actor, Screenwriter, Pilot, Fashion Designer, Swimmer, Film Producer
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What nationality is Terence Hill?

American Italian Terence Hill/Nationality