Is Professor Zoom and Reverse-Flash the same?

Is Professor Zoom and Reverse-Flash the same?

In the comics, the Reverse-Flash is also commonly referred to as “Professor Zoom,” or simply “Zoom.” And in some comics, Eobard Thawne is the Reverse-Flash and in others he's Zoom. ... To start, it helps to look at two different eras when talking about the Reverse-Flash and Zoom: before The New 52 and after.

How did Professor Zoom get his powers?

Eobard Thawne found a time capsule in the 25th century containing a costume of the Flash (Barry Allen) and with a Tachyon device amplified the suit's speed energy, giving himself speedster abilities. Reversing the costume's colors, he adopted the moniker of "Professor Zoom the Reverse-Flash" and went on a crime spree.

What are Professor Zoom powers?

Superhuman Speed: Professor Zoom is able to move and travel at super human speeds. He can travel up to speeds of 7,500,000 mph., deliver hundreds of blows a second, walk on water, create cyclones and vibrate his molecules super fast to pass through solid objects.

Why did Professor Zoom kill Barry's mom?

Laying the real talk on the titular hero, Thawne (as we'll be referring to him throughout the rest of the piece) bluntly states that he killed Nora Allen because of his hatred for Barry, or rather an older version of Barry.

Who is the yellow flash that killed Barry's mom?

Nora Allen (née Thompson; 1959 – Ma) was the mother of Barry Allen, the wife of the late Henry Allen, and a good friend of Joe West. She was fatally stabbed by Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash and her murder was pinned on Henry who was subsequently sent to prison.

Is Eddie Thawne still alive?

Death. Eddie eventually died, being deceased by the time period his descendant Eobard Thawne hailed from.

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