Where is Denzel Washington now?

Where is Denzel Washington now?

Los Angeles He lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife, Pauletta Washington, and their four children.

Is John Washington related to Denzel Washington?

Born and raised in Los Angeles, the 37-year-old is the eldest of four siblings. His father is the actor Denzel Washington and his mother is actress and singer Pauletta Washington. ... Acting was not a career path he saw himself taking as he knew that the boots of his father would be difficult to fill.

Is John David Washington dating Zendaya?

The two are not romantically involved though rumors of romances with co-stars is not something new for Zendaya. Zendaya was also linked to her 'Spiderman: Homecoming' co-star Tom Holland but she set the record straight about her relationship with Holland, telling Variety, “He's a great dude.

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