Is Yasuo an op?

Is Yasuo an op?

For everyone else, yes he is OP. He wasnt giga fed, not even close. He was starting to destroy his lane at 1/0/1.

Is Yasuo magic or physical?

Yasuo thrusts, dealing physical damage. If he hits, he gains a stack for n seconds. While he has 2 stacks, his next use of this Ability fires a whirlwind from range, dealing the same damage and Knocking Up for y second. If used while dashing, this Ability strikes in a circle rather than a stab.

Why is Yasuo so strong?

Yasuo is strong because of his boosted crit, passive shield, and great item scaling. Your autos AND q's apply on hit affects (to the first person struck), so with items like BoRK, Hydra and Shiv you can really use the on-hit to maximum effect. You are ridiculously mobile and high damage.

Is Yasuo Soraka's father?

The most satisfactory explanation was revealed when the Dawnbringer & Nightbringer Soraka called Yasuo a “father” and the Riven is “mother”. This is the confirmation that Soraka is the daughter of Riven and Yasuo. (The Spotlight Skin Channel mistakenly records the Yasuo as Vladimir).

Who killed Yasuo master?

Riven Yasuo begged Yone for forgiveness, but the absolution never came. Yasuo continued to run and met characters like Taliyah along the way. Yasuo gifted Taliyah the same maple seed his brother gave him as a token of their partnership. It was later revealed that Riven killed Elder Souma.

Why is Yasuo always banned?

Basically they have started making more and more overloaded champs. Yasuo started it, and people have been dealing with his infuriating kit for so long that pretty much anyone that does not main him at this point hates the champ. Hence the #1 banned champ regardless of winrate.

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