Was Lily Evans a Mudblood?

Was Lily Evans a Mudblood?

For example, Lily Evans told her former friend Severus Snape that if he was going to refer to other Muggle-borns as "Mudbloods", then he had to use the term for her as well, and Hermione Granger declared that she was proud to be a "Mudblood" in 1998.

Was Lily Evans parents Wizards?

At least one member, Lily Evans, was a Muggle-born witch. They were related by marriage to the wizarding Potter and Weasley families, and distantly to the Prewett family.

Who was Lily Potter's best friend?

Even though he and his best friend, Sirius Black, religiously bullied her best friend James always had a crush on Evans. Having called her by her surname; she called him Potter in return.

Did Lily Evans really love James Potter?

James had developed romantic feelings for Lily, by at least their fifth year. James was even seen doodling her initials on a piece of paper during his Theory of Charms O.W.L. exam.

Are both Lily and James Wizards?

His father, James, was the only child born to a pure-blood wizard family, while his mother, Lily, was a muggle-born witch, meaning both her parents were non-magical. ... When Harry was one year and three months old, the evil Lord Voldemort murdered his parents.

Who does Lily Potter Jr marry?

Lily also goes on to marry childhood bestfriend/boyfriend Lysander Scamander and the pair goes on to have one daughter Lyra Scamander born in 2040.