Is Chloe in love with Max?

Is Chloe in love with Max?

They will kiss each other if Max supported Chloe on all occasions throughout the game. Chloe says that she will always love Max and will never forget her.

How old are Max and Chloe in Life is Strange?

In the bonus episode "Farewell", 13-year-old Max Caulfield struggles to break the news to Chloe that her family is moving to Seattle in three days. The two find a recording of their 8-year-old selves speaking of a "buried treasure"- a time capsule they had made five years prior.

What happened between Chloe and Max?

Former Unexpected couple Chloe Mendoza and Max Schenzel are no longer together and apparently, no where close to being on good terms. Chloe previously filed an order of protection against her baby daddy following his second domestic assault arrest and she has reportedly moved on to a new relationship.

Is Max and Chloe in Life is Strange 2?

Chloe Price - Max abandoned her childhood best friend when she moved to Seattle shortly after Chloe's father died. ... It is clear from Life is Strange 2 that, if Arcadia Bay was sacrificed, Chloe and Max continue to be there for one another. (See here for more information on their relationship.)

Is it better to side with Chloe or David?

The third important choice is during the argument between Chloe and David - you have to side with either of them. David thanks Max for her help. David will not be thrown away from his house. Joyce will be happy that Max sided with David.

Are Max and Chloe still together 2020?

Ultimately, we hope Max is still on his way to a sober, healthy life, and that he and Chloe are happy together again.

Are Chloe and Max still together unexpected?

Unexpected: Chloe Mendoza and Max Schenzel Split Up Chloe Mendoza and the father of her daughter Max Schenzel shared their stories as teen parents on TLC's Unexpected. The young parents seemed happy as a little family of three. ... The Unexpected cast members are now no longer together.

Who does Chloe have a crush on?

Chloé hugs Adrien. Chloé, who is friends with Adrien, knew him before he started attending her school and currently has a huge crush on him. She only loves Adrien for his wealth; if he was not wealthy, she would probably treat him like everyone else. She is always showering him with affection.

What happens if Chloe steals the money?

10 Steal The Money Or Leave It Chloe and Max stumble upon money in the headmaster's office. ... If you take the money, Chloe will be more relaxed and happy. If you leave it, she becomes aggressive. The worst that seems to happen if you steal is that a dream involving the principal sees him guilt you about theft.

Does Chloe stay in a wheelchair?

The childhood friend of Maxine Caulfield, Chloe lived a life undistributed by the death of her father, but still relative lost touch with her friend. At some point in 2010, she was involved in a car accident that left her paralyzed and under constant supervision.

Is Max from Unexpected on drugs?

After failing a drug test, Max got his probation revoked. However, Max Schenzel is seemingly back to living a sober life. He has been working on staying sober. Max has also been working on being the best version of himself.

Are Diego and Emily from unexpected still together?

Unsurprisingly, he and Emily didn't stay together. Since then, Diego has enlisted in the military. The young father joined the army in January 2020. ... Diego had been a great high school athlete, but Fabian joked that the year off between high school and the military had been rough on Diego's physique.

Are Michelle and Charlie from unexpected still together?

Unexpected star Ethan's parents, Michelle and Charlie Ybarra found a lot of favor with fans during TLC's Season 4. But, unfortunately, it looks like they split. ... Later, they kicked the teen parents out at well. Now, it looks like their own marriage suffered and they separated.