Is Veronica good in Riverdale?

Is Veronica good in Riverdale?

However, Riverdale Veronica is a rara avis. She uses her commanding personality and enthralling dynamism for good. ... While Riverdale Ronnie may love cute boys and pretty dresses every bit as much as her comic book counterpart, she is one of the strongest female characters a teen show has ever seen.

Does Hiram really love Veronica?

The father-daughter relationship between Veronica and Hiram Lodge was close, but due to his imprisonment, and Veronica's knowledge of his horrible deeds, the relationship has since become strained. ... She refuses to believe that Hiram has changed for the better, questioning him upon his arrival back in Riverdale.

Does Hiram Lodge hate Veronica?

So disrespectful, Hiram remarked. Not like Veronica at all, to which she admitted to changing since the last time they saw one another. The only question left was whether or not Hiram has changed, which he may have, but not so much that he still doesn't want a kiss from his daughter.