Is Chaotic Neutral bad?

Is Chaotic Neutral bad?

Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal. Chaotic neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony, and order in society.

What's an example of chaotic neutral?

Characters with a Chaotic Neutral alignment are the kind of people who do whatever they feel like at the time and don't care about the consequences, make selfish decisions most of the time but occasionally do something nice for others, and switch their allegiances when new allies serve them better.

Is Deadpool chaotic neutral?

Deadpool's alignment is Chaotic Neutral. ... Atrocitustheking is correct, as Deadpool is a mercenary who enjoys his job. He is 'chaotic' because his means and motives are simply to have fun. This is usually attributed to psychopathic characters, which Deadpool is.

What is the rarest alignment?

True Neutral is at once the rarest and the most common alignment in the multiverse.

Why is chaotic neutral hated?

A Chaotic Evil character values freedom - his freedom, and his freedom only. He will fight to prevent you sharing that freedom. Because 90% of chaotic neutral players play that alignment completely wrong and ruin it for the 10% of us that actually know how to play it properly.

Is Batman lawful or chaotic?

Chaotic good. He's a vigilante; he is NOT lawful. I'd say it makes sense that a lawful character might see taking up vigilantism to put away dangerous criminals as being the lesser of two evils and go for it.

Is Jack Sparrow chaotic neutral?

2 Jack Sparrow: Chaotic Neutral His character is always fun to watch and cannot be compared to anyone else in the franchise. ... While he is hardly evil, Jack is nowhere near good either. Underneath all the hilarity, he is still selfish and manipulative and seems to use every given opportunity to betray his allies.

Is the Joker chaotic neutral?

The Joker, being a person who is literally insane and kills people for the fun of it, is the epitome of a chaotic evil character. But remember, at the same time, someone who kills people just for fun can also be a Lawful-Evil character.

Is Harley Quinn chaotic neutral?

Chaotic Neutral - Harley Quinn Chaotic Neutrals do what they can get away with. ... Harley does what she wants when she wants, unbeholden to a moral code or any kind of authority.

What are the 9 character alignments?

The Nine Alignments
  • Lawful Good, "Crusader"
  • Neutral Good, "Benefactor"
  • Chaotic Good, "Rebel"
  • Lawful Neutral, "Judge"
  • Neutral, "Undecided"
  • Chaotic Neutral, "Free Spirit"
  • Lawful Evil, "Dominator"
  • Neutral Evil, "Malefactor"

Who is chaotic good?

Chaotic Good definition A chaotic good character acts as his conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he's kind and benevolent. He believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations.

Is Joker chaotic neutral?

The Joker, being a person who is literally insane and kills people for the fun of it, is the epitome of a chaotic evil character. But remember, at the same time, someone who kills people just for fun can also be a Lawful-Evil character.

Is Catwoman chaotic good?

Catwoman – True Neutral. “I'm adaptable.” Starts out as Chaotic Neutral, since she is putting herself before the concerns of others, but makes a change to Neutral when she returns to help Batman get away.

Are cats chaotic neutral?

Cats lack the capacity to choose sides in the cosmic struggle, nor can they influence it by their actions. Cats are Unaligned, like most beasts. Chaotic Neutral without a doubt.

Is Chaotic good bad?

Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit. Chaotic good can be a dangerous alignment when it disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves.

Is Batman chaotic neutral?

Batman is generally good but he is a vigilante. Despite the fact that he helps eradicate crime in Gotham, the police consider him a vigilante who doesn't follow proper procedures. This disqualifies him from being lawful good and makes him neutral good.

Is spawn chaotic neutral?

Most '90s Anti-Hero, but can also be shown as True Neutral (Spawn, Cable), more evil versions may qualify as Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil (The Comedian and Lobo).

Are cats chaotic?

Cats lack the capacity to choose sides in the cosmic struggle, nor can they influence it by their actions. Cats are Unaligned, like most beasts. Chaotic Neutral without a doubt.

Is Batman chaotic or lawful?

Chaotic good. He's a vigilante; he is NOT lawful. I'd say it makes sense that a lawful character might see taking up vigilantism to put away dangerous criminals as being the lesser of two evils and go for it.

Do cats think humans are cats?

Well, according to some experts, cats might think humans are cats, too. ... According to John Bradshaw, an expert on cat behavior and author of a bestselling book on cat science, there's plenty of evidence that points to the fact that cats see humans as nothing more than fellow cats.